"Introduction to Photography at PhotoManhattan
Become one with your SLR, spending each session learning about lens types, lighting or shutter speeds. “You’ll finish the course being able to look at a photograph and really critique it and understand why it works, why it doesn’t,” says studio assistant April McMillan. You won’t be the only one judging—homework is assigned and reviewed. Head to the wait list for spring courses, or sign up now for summer. 51 W 14th St, #2R between 5th and 6th Aves (212-929-3302 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-929-3302 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, photomanhattan.com). May 8–Jun 12, $305 for five classes
Basic Camera Course at NYC Photography Workshops
Learn about f-stops, blurring, panning, shutter speeds, light meters and more than you knew your hunk of plastic could do. “We get people who want to get a nice camera, but it’s an extremely confusing piece of equipment,” says teacher Jeffrey Apoian. “In this class we strip the camera down to its most basic form and build on the options.” 66 Crosby St near Spring St (212-431-5513 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-431-5513 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, nycphotoworkshop.com). May 15 10am–6pm, $350.
Black and White Photography: From Darkroom to Lightroom at School of Visual Arts
At SVA, you can’t call yourself a pro until you can fumble through an old-school darkroom as well as you fiddle with a computer. “Usually you take a class in either one or the other technique; this is a unique chance to learn both,” says assistant director John Wyszniewski. Using a darkroom, scanning negatives, downloading images, digital tools and camera basics will all be covered. 214 E 21st St between Second and Third Aves (212-592-2050 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-592-2050 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, schoolofvisualarts.edu). Mon 6-9:30pm, starts June 7; $420 for eight classes
Introduction to Digital SLR Photography at Nikon School
Miss the mass education experience of a college lecture? Photography teachers take to the lectern in courses sponsored by the camera company, which cover the basics in metering and exposure. The hotel ballroom location feels corporate, but the instruction is straightforward, and a higher-level class follows the next day. Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 7th Ave between Sixth and Seventh Aves, (212-736-5000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-736-5000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; nikonusa.com). Jun 12 9:30am-4:30pm, $119
Envisioning the Print at the Exhibition Lab
“Whether you print traditionally or digitally, all the present-day options will be discussed,” says co-owner Michael Foley, who also covers history from daguerreotypes to digital printing. Class participants receive a 40 percent discount on printing services at Gotham Imaging. 548 W 28th St between Tenth and Eleventh Aves, second floor (212-244-9081 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-244-9081 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, theexhibitionlab.com). Sat 10am-5pm, June 19, $150
(text from TIme Out Magazine May 6-12, 2010. ISSUE 762)
Have a great class!!
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